Taking Care of Cashmere Sweater

taking-care-of-cashmere-sweatersCashmere sweaters last a lifetime. They are expensive and look fashionable. The life of a cashmere sweater depends on how it is looked after. There are very simple rules to follow if you wish your sweater to last years.

1. The most important thing to do for your sweaters is to keep them clean. They should not be taken to the dry cleaners very frequently. Check for any soiled areas on your sweater after you have worn it and clean it before storing. If there is a spot clean it with a damp cloth. Use a stiff bristled brush to brush your sweater. For this place your sweater on a flat surface and then brush a very small area, only a few inches at a time.2. If there is a stronger stain on your sweater then take it to a dry cleaner promptly. An old stain is very difficult to remove. Choose the best dry cleaner in town.

3. Cashmere sweaters can be hand washed. Handwashing can be done occasionally between dry cleanings. It will help in retaining the softness and color of your sweater.

4. After your fine knitted wear is clean, the next step is to protect them from moths, beetles and the like. The best thing to do is to keep the sweater in a sealable plastic bag. If you wish to store your sweater for a year or longer it would be best to store them in an acid free container. This prevents aging and yellowing.

A little care can make you enjoy your sweaters for longer than you had bargained for. Small pointers have big, long lasting effects.

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