Walk And Talk

walk n talkThe first time I went for a walk in uptown Manhattan, the first thing I noticed was everybody walking and everybody either on their mobiles or with i Pods’, in their own worlds, hurrying.

It made me think of Abhishek Bachan’s new advertisement for Idea mobile, whose punch line was ‘walk and talk’. Considering the New Yorker’s busy lives and schedules I thought this a very healthy exercise and usage of time.

Walk and talk is also a new kind of therapy being used by certain social workers and therapists. The patient goes for a walk with the therapist and talks about his life and problems. As one therapist puts it, “My therapy sessions are conducted outdoors while walking, and somehow the simple act of walking while talking out life’s issues – creates an environment of possibility and change…..I’ve seen this process work amazing results with my clients. Yes, it is unique.”

Yes walking does wonder not only for our psyche but also for our body.

Walking is a gentle, low-impact exercise that can ease you into a higher level of fitness and health. Walking is one of the body’s most natural forms of exercise. It’s safe, simple, doesn’t require practice, and the health benefits are many. It can lower low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and raise high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. The tensions and stress of everyday rat race can also be eased thus lowering the blood pressure and putting us in a better frame of mind and mood. Walking can also help in reducing our weight and help us remain strong and fit. The risk of diabetes can also be decreased considerably.

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