Marc Zuckerberg – Esquire’s Worst Dressed Celebrity

Marc Zuckerberg - Esquire's Worst Dressed Celebrity
Marc Zuckerberg - Esquire's Worst Dressed Celebrity

Mark Zuckerberg may be a billionaire but Esquire magazine has proved being billionaire doesn't mean being the real the perfect man with flawless fashion sense.

Mark Zuckerberg may be a billionaire but Esquire magazine has proved being billionaire doesn’t mean being the real the perfect man with flawless fashion sense.

The Facebook CEO has topped the ‘2010 Celebrity Style Hall of Shame’ list by Esquire Magazine, who don’t mind the casual look but it seems this billionaire has a closet full of exactly the same shirts and pants!

Well, Marc it’s time you should someday show your manly elegance to Esquire Magazine’s fashion critics!
