Westboro Baptist Church Announces Plans to Picket Taylor Swift, One Direction Concerts

Westboro Baptist Church is desperate for yet more negative attention, so they’ve turned their sights to the pop world, announcing plans to picket concerts by both Taylor Swift and One Direction. Yeah: They know not what they do.


On the WBC’s official website, there’s this announcement about their plans to be disruptive and gross outside One Direction’s Kansas City, Missouri concert at the Sprint Center on July 19:

WBC will picket this perverted pop boy band from the UK who claim to be the world’s #1 band. Indeed, they are a perfect representation of this filthy world and the sin-chasing, f**-enabling, God-hating, Christ-rejecting UK who has banned WBC from preaching within her borders. These freaks and their fans think it’s funny for these five perverts to grab each other’s asses on stage. They glamorize sin and make a mock of God’s standards. Their one purpose is to encourage the youth of this generation to pursue every lust their evil hearts can imagine.
We do appreciate them making the trip across the pond and right into our backyard so we can hold the standards of God before their eyes and bind them forever. When they reject those standards, causing God to pour His wrath out upon them, they cannot say “I didn’t know! Nobody ever told me!” WBC told you and all your “fans”. The standard will not change no matter how many doomed americans agree they want it to.

The hate group will return to the Sprint Center twice more this summer to protest the “Package” tour (New Kids on the Block, 98 Degrees, and Boyz II Men) and Taylor Swift. And yes, they had plenty to say about Taylor:

WBC to picket Taylor Swift to remind her and this filthy generation that they have a duty to obey God – no matter what. This “girl next door” wannabe uses her music to advocate for fornication early and often. She pretends to be moral, while she hops from bed to bed like a proud w***e. She is incredibly popular among the young ladies and thus has a giant platform. All she has to do is to STOP fornicating, and tell her followers to do the same. But doing so would cost her millions and her following would scatter. She needs to quit using her talent that God gave her to advocate for sin and use it in return to the God that gave it to her to warn her fellow man of the coming destruction. Instead she worships man – Barack & Michelle Obama can’t save your never dying soul. It is time to stop worshiping the creature and start worshiping the Creator. Taylor’s parents raised her to be the w***e she is today by giving no thought to her never-dying soul and making her an improper example for the young w***es of this doomed country. Shame on you! Obey Today!

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