Britney Spears brought everyone to tears with revelations about childhood

Britney Spears brought everyone to tears
Britney Spears brought everyone to tears

Britney Spears, suffering from the custody of her own father, published revelations on her personal microblog that brought her audience to tears. The singer shared touching memories that flooded her the other day.

Britney told fans that she was very happy as a child, as she had the opportunity to grow up without gadgets and new technologies. The biggest happiness for Britney was buying a cool doll, not a new phone.

“I remember when at the age of 12 I had to grow up very quickly and break up with my Molly. She had brown hair and freckles. I liked her because she wore glasses,” Britney recalls her toy.

I remembered Britney and how she was in demand among friends.

“The whole neighborhood was hanging out at my house … Sitting on bar stools, lined up, playing video games … And most of them were in high school. I always asked them for attention, because I wanted to be part of their company, I wanted them to teach me everything,” she said.

Now Britney recalls those times with undisguised melancholy and notes: all that she has left from her connection with the outside world is a phone that can be taken away at any moment. Britney would not want her children to live with gadgets, because she is sure: only being in the moment can make you truly happy.

“I pray that my children will never lose their curiosity because this is more than technology,” she summed up.
