6 Creative Home Design Ideas

6 Creative Home Design Ideas You Have Try out
6 Creative Home Design Ideas You Have Try out

They will make the space more interesting, as well as enjoyable. Without a doubt, you will be running back home immediately after work.

One of the best feelings in the world is having a warm, cozy home to come back to. Without this feeling, your house is just another living space. It’s even better when your home is decorated according to your own wishes and taste. Having a home design that fits your own personality and lifestyle is the right way to do it. Of course, furniture can be easily bought. There are numerous designers and companies that create furniture and décor items. But if you are feeling a little bit artistic, you can always make a house your own with some DIY projects. Here are a few creative suggestions you could try out in your own home. They will make the space more interesting, as well as enjoyable. Without a doubt, you will be running back home immediately after work.

1. DIY Furniture

Sure, being in charge of decorating your home is pleasurable. But it also requires buying furniture, then putting it in your house. What if you decorated with a really personal touch in the form of DIY items? You could imagine and create something completely on your own, made according to your taste. Moreover, you would do all the hard work, which makes this even more valuable. Without a doubt, you would appreciate that piece of furniture more than others. In order to make it, you would need a few tools, some paint and wood, all of which can be found at your nearest hardware store. Furthermore, you have the internet to teach you about building a coffee table. You can find numerous instructions and video tutorials on how it’s done.

2. Bold Colors on the Walls

One feature that will make your interior pop out is the color scheme found on your walls or furniture. You have probably noticed that a lot of people choose to have one wall painted in a bold color, while the others are painted neutral. For example, your bedroom could be beige, all except one accented wall, painted in red, blue or whatever color you want. This will give the room a special flair and an interesting look. Another option you could try is to have a room painted in clashing colors. For instance, have one room painted in red and green, or pink and orange. This type of design would create a “wow” effect every time you enter the room. It doesn’t even have to be whole walls. You can just have a few details painted this way, like the door and the carpet, or one wall and the door. Either way, it is important to have something extraordinary that will make your house look unique.

3. Glass Floor

For those who want something more extravagant, as well as daring, go for a glass floor. You could have a gallery above your living room, for example, with the floor being all made of glass, or at least some part of it. Or, if you are a wine lover, you could create a glass trap door leading to the underground wine basement – something that is very popular at the moment.

4. Multipurpose Features

For people who like practical things, having multipurpose furniture is very important. They find it really useful, and think it is a smart financial move. Not only would you get two-in-one features, but you would also save money on making or buying more furniture. One more smart thing would be to use your stairs to the fullest. Usually, there is a lot of space left unused underneath the staircase. However, if you think carefully, you could turn this into a bonus for yourself. For instance, you can make drawers that would hide storage space below each step, or maybe have a bookshelf or a closet on the side of the stairs. Whatever the choice, it wouldn’t go to waste.

5. Vertical Garden

If you like plants, but do not have a lot of space for flower pots, you could build a vertical garden. This represents a type of shelving that would be used for holding small or big plants instead of books. One way you could use it is for herbs that could be used for cooking. Moreover, this vertical garden could be built in your kitchen, so it is close to you while you are making meals. Another example is to have succulent plants built into your bookshelf, or a garden standing on its own on a wall. Not only would it give you more space for numerous plants, but it would also be a rather cool design trick, and a décor item.

6. Colorful Tiles

Use colorful tiles to create a vibrant styling or a fake carpet effect. You could combine different styles of tiles, like bigger ones and then smaller colorful ones in the center, as a carpet. This is a great solution for people living near beaches, as they can easily walk in and out of the house without worrying about ruining the carpet with sand. Also, tiling is awesome for warmer cities because it provides a cooling effect. Another great way of using tiles is to put them on walls as decorations. For instance, you could use colorful tiles mixed with white ones. They would serve as décor instead of pictures, or just give you a special pop of color.
