Beach Wear: Lovely, Hot and Fashionable Looks

Beach Wear: Sexy, Hot and Fashionable Looks
Beach Wear: Sexy, Hot and Fashionable Looks

There is a time of year when we collect things related to swimming and pack up our bags and move towards the beach for the day; to enjoy those warm sun rays and the refreshing sound of the lapping water.

There is a time of year when we collect things related to swimming and pack up our bags and move towards the beach for the day; to enjoy those warm sun rays and the refreshing sound of the lapping water.

First of all we have to decide that what constitutes a good beach wardrobe? Well there are certain essential things that you must keep in mind; before going for swimming. Like swimsuit and bathing suit cover, flip flops on our feet. Beach bag has also been packed with the essentials sunglasses, floppy hat, towel and a good book to make your time more interesting. Its great to get the basics covered but what about the rest.

If we are in a habit to prepare all these items for a day at the beach, than why is it by the time we get home with the pretty worn look. Here are some helpful tips to make your day at the beach fun and keep you looking fashion fresh all day and all the way home.

First and one of the most important things is that before leaving the home, if got long hair pull it into a high pony tail or fun knot. Use some funky hair accessories that will stay in place when you swimming. Try a fun colored bobble or some firm fastening clips in bright summer color; to avoid any sort of dull look. If you pull your hair up your neck will stay cool and you ll look fresh all day with your neat hairstyle.

Second slather yourself in sunscreen before leaving the house, and then put the sunscreen in your bag. so you can reapply after a swim or every few hours. Sunburn is not only unhealthy and painful; its unattractive, so don’t let yourself turn into the lobster of the day. Your sunscreen should be a SPF of 15. It does not hurt to use a strong SPF on your face or your entire body if you burn easily.

Your beach bag should be large enough to hold your supplies for the day. You should get something fun and fashionable to keep you looking fashion fresh. Make sure you have got all the daily fundamentals in your bag sunglasses, sunscreen, a good book, a floppy hat, some lip gloss, and any other makeup touch ups you want. If you plan to wear eye makeup make sure it waterproof. Stay away from heavy foundations. If you must apply something use a bronzer moisturizer. It’s also a good idea to bring lip balm with an SPF15 to protect your lips. It never hurts to put some moisturizer in the bag. You can take a pack of snack if you want but do not forget to take plenty of fluids. It’s important not to get dehydrated.

Its great if you have got all these basics now what about the wardrobe basics? If you are planning to wear a swimsuit it’s usually easiest to put it on at home, that way you’re not chasing down change rooms. So get first on goes the swimsuit. Now another question is what to wear for a cover? Well you’ve got plenty of choices. A tank top and shorts, or a nice light cotton dress all work well over top. Choose something that’s easy to put on and take off, and choose fabrics that breathe to keep you cool. We also suggest including a long sleeved cotton blouse just in case you start to burn, you can protect your shoulders and arms.

Now at the end of the day if you are planning on heading out later without returning home you might want to toss a pair of jeans or long skirt into your bag. If your outing is going to extend into the evening you’ll want to include a sweater for the cooler evening air. If you’re worried about your evening wear getting sandy or wet at the beach, then place them in a separate bag and leave them in the trunk of your car. That way you are guaranteed they’ll remain fresh.

So if you will adopt the above mentioned precautions, you will definitely enjoy your whole day out at the beach.
